Data Protection if you join This sets out PANT’s position on the use of members’ data. The current data protection regulations (GDPR) came into force in May 2018. Details relating to membership (name, address, telephone number, email address, NT membership number (if appropriate) are stored electronically but are deleted/destroyed when no longer needed. The computer on which the data is held is regularly maintained so that it has the latest software and security software installed; the database is password protected and regularly backed up to another location to protect the data against loss or unauthorised disclosure. The information is used solely for purposes associated with running the Association, namely administration of the membership renewal process each year, distribution of the Newsletter, contacting members who have booked for events organised by the Association' and regularly informing members of the activities of the Association. This is done via email for those members who have provided an email address – this is encouraged as it is the most efficient means of reaching members quickly. Such communications are sent as ‘blind copies’ so that email addresses remain unseen by other recipients.
The full database of membership data is held only by the Publicity Secretary; selected data is shared with our event organisers and/or members of the PANT committee as and when necessary. The data is not made available to any outside bodies. Individuals have the right to know, and have corrected, the information that is held about them. They also have the right to request that their email address is not used for the purposes described above; this will however mean that they will not be informed of many of the Association’s activities. |